• Question: are horses stronger than aligators?????

    Asked by persionsupreme to Anil, Blanka, Cees, Emma, Mike on 28 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Michael Cook

      Michael Cook answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      Oooh. In some cases! This would make a good competition. Get a horse and an alligator to compete in some weightlifting.

      Alligators are quite fierce and very powerful when attacking prey (or defending themselves). But horses can carry heavy weights – and have very powerful legs. A horse can kick very hard!

      I’m not sure which is stronger – they’re both good at different things! Which do you think?

    • Photo: Emma Trantham

      Emma Trantham answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      I think in part it depends on which muscles you are looking at. Alligators’ jawa muscles are much stronger than horses jaw muscles but I suspect horses’ leg muscles are probably stronger than aligator leg muscles.

      I wonder who would win a tug of war? The alligator because it could grip the rope tighter with its mouth or the horse because it has stronger legs… What do you think?

    • Photo: Blanka Sengerova

      Blanka Sengerova answered on 28 Jun 2012:

      Alligators have really strong jaw muscles so I suspect if the horse was trying to fight those, they’d have a bit of a hard time.

      But I was once told that alligators can run really fast in very short spurts but then need lots of time to recover so whilst an alligator might be really fast at getting to a prey (and catching it with the strong muscles) he might then have to rest for a while, so if you raced them in a marathon, the horse might have a better chance…

      What do you think?
