• Question: do women get sweaty after exercise?

    Asked by bellaswan123 to Emma on 26 Jun 2012.
    • Photo: Emma Trantham

      Emma Trantham answered on 26 Jun 2012:

      Yup women get sweaty after exercise. (I can speak from personal experience on this one! :S )

      Our bodies get hot doing the exercise and so in order to cool down we sweat. The evaporation of the sweat from our skin cools us back down again.

      From reading about this a bit more online I learnt something interesting:

      Fit men sweat more than fit women (women have the same number of sweat glands but produce less sweat from them). And both of these groups sweat more than unfit people.

      Unfit women sweat the least and their bodies get to a much higher temperature before they start to sweat.

      In theory getting to a higher temperature before you start to sweat is dangerous because if your body gets too hot you can collapse but the scientists who did that research wondered if perhaps women sweat less because they in general have less body water than men and so their bodies are trying to preserve that water for as long as possible to prevent them from dehydrating.

      Hope this answers your question 🙂
